A. Materi
Membandingkan dua teks Report
Sebelum aktivitas belajar dimulai terlebih dahulu marilah kita berdoa semoga kegiatan ini menjadi sesuatu yang bernilai manfaat. Senang sekali mengetahui kalian tetap bersemangat melakukan proses belajar. Selalu bersyukur kepada Tuhan atas segala nikmat yang diberikan.
Anak-anakku, pembelajaran hari ini masih berkaitan dengan materi pertemuan sebelumnya. Untuk mengingatkan materi tersebut, kalian silakan baca kembali informasi yang terdapat di bahan bacaan pertemuan sebelumnya.
(Today’s lesson is still related to the previous meeting material. To remind you of this material, please read the information in the previous reading material).
Selanjutnya kalian akan membaca dua buah teks Report, dan menjawab pertanyaan dari masing-masing teks tersebut.
(Next, you will read two Report texts, and answer the questions based on each of these texts).
Teks 1
Guava is a plant in the myrtle family (Myrtaceae) genus Psidium. It is native to Mexico and Central America, Northern South America, parts of the Caribbean and some parts of North Africa and also some parts of India. The guava tree is not big. It is about 33 feet with spreading branches. The bark is smooth with green or reddish-brown color. The plants branches are close to the ground. Its young twigs are soft. It has hard dark elliptic leaves. It is about 2-6 inches long and 1-2 inches wide. The flowers are white, with five petals and numerous stamens. Guava fruit, usually 2 to 4 inches long, is round or oval depending on the species. Varying between species, the skin can be any thickness, it is usually green when unripe, but become yellow or maroon when ripe. The flesh of Guava fruit is sweet or sour. The color of the flesh may be white, pink, yellow or red, with seed in the central park of the flesh. The seeds are numerous but small. In some good varieties, they are edible. Actual seed counts have ranged from 112 to 535. Guava fruit is rich with vitamins A and C, omega-3 and omega -6, gutty acids and high levels of dietary fiber.
Vocabulary list:
No. | English | Indonesian |
1. | edible | bisa dimakan |
2. | fiber | serat |
3. | ground | tanah |
4. | native | asli |
5. | north | utara |
6. | plant | tumbuhan |
7. | stamens | benang sari |
8. | the seed | biji |
9. | unripe | belum matang |
10. | varying | berbeda |
Selanjutnya, baca teks kedua tentang pohon sirsak (soursop), lalu seperti kegiatan di atas, jawablah pertanyaan di bawahnya.
(Read the second text, then answer the following questions).
Teks 2
Soursop Soursop is the fruit of Annona muricata, a broadleaf, flowering, evergreen tree native to Mexico, Cuba, Central America, the Caribbean islands of Hispaniola and Puerto Rico, and northern South America, primarily Colombia, Brazil, Peru, Ecuador, Venezuela. Soursop is also produced in all tropical parts of Africa, especially in Eastern Nigeria, The Plateau and The Democratic Republic of Congo, Southeast Asia and the Pacific. It is in the same genus,Annona, as cherimoya and is in the Annonaceae family.The flavor has been described as a combination of strawberry and pineapple, with sour citrus flavor notes contrasting with an underlying creamy flavour reminiscent of coconut or banana.Soursop is widely promoted (sometimes as “graviola”) as an alternative cancer treatment. There is, however, no medical evidence that it is effective. The plant is grown for its 20–30 cm (7.9–11.8 in) long, prickly, green fruit, which can have a mass of up to 6.8 kg (15 lb), making it probably the second biggest annona after the junglesop.The flesh of the fruit consists of an edible, white pulp, some fiber, and a core of indigestible, black seeds. The species is the only member of its genus suitable for processing and preservation. The pulp is also used to make fruit nectar, smoothies, fruit juice drinks, as well as candies, sorbets, and ice cream flavorings. (Source: Wikipedia)
Vocabulary list:
Nah setelah kalian membaca dan mempelajari 2 teks repot diatas, saatnya sekarang mengecek pemahaman kalian dengan mengerjakan latiahn soal berikut ini :
cara mengerjakannya silahkan ditulis terjemahan soalnya dan kemudian dijawab pertanyaanya, kEMUDIAN JAWABAN KALIAN DITULIS DI BUKU TULIS KEMUDIAN DIFOTO DAN DIUPLOAD DI LINK TUGAS 3
A. SOAL TEXT 1 ( Guava )
- What is the text about?
- How is the plant?
- Where is the plant originally from?
- What is the writer’s intention to write the text?
- In your opinion, what is the writer’s profession?
- What is the text about?
- How is the plant?
- Where is the plant originally from?
- What is the writer’s intention to write the text?
- In your opinion, what is the writer’s profession?
C. Nah, sekarang kalian akan bisa menemukan kesamaan dan perbedaan teks Report tentang “Pohon Jambu” dan “Pohon Sirsak” dengan cara memindahkan jawaban dari pertanyaan bacaan di atas ke dalam tabel berikut. Silakan lengkapi tabelnya